Thursday 9 July 2015

getting ready for spring

You know it's time to put away those heavy woollen cardigans when the weather begins to look a little brighter, and all you see is greenery around but finding new spring outfit ideas can be a bit of a task as the weather is still cool.

This is when we usually suffer from "dresser's block" (like writer's block).

It all comes down to creativity when picking out outfits from your closet. All you have to do is think a little out of the box, your wardrobe will probably already have those perfect items that won't break the bank, so looking spectacular this season should be a cake walk.

A simple white t-shirt, jeans and jacket (be it linen or leather), throw on a scarf to add that subtle pop of colour, and not forgetting a pair of flats or heels (day or night). Most importantly accessorise with a nice handbag and sunglasses.


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Hi i'm Corinne. I live in Australia with the love of my life and our adorable kids. I'm a stay at home mum.